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在Dior 2020秋冬大秀揭幕前,大西洋的另一头,开启一连串#MeToo运动的圣雅莉思化妆品Harvey Weinstein性侵案件在经过多年诉讼后,获得重罪轻判的初步结果,却也让Maria Grazia Chiuri在Dior秀场上用服装讲述的女性主义思维显得更加至关重要。设计师本季回忆自己的女性主义启蒙经验,加乘Dior前创意总监Marc Bohan时代的开创的成衣轮廓,在强调方便女性自由活动的舒适服装中,描绘出复古而参杂现代品味的实穿装束,多样化的配饰设计,更完整了系列的70年代氛围。在由艺术家团体Claire Fontaine打造的霓虹标语秀场中,开启Maria Grazia Chiuri的女性主义讲堂!
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在 Instagram 查看这则贴文
「不论是在自然或文化层面上,我们每个人都可以成为改变未来生态系一员。」在巴黎时装周开跑前,Dior透过WWD的报导宣布将将与罗浮宫合作,展开巴黎杜乐丽花园的五年修复计画。品牌本次也将秀场从前几季的隆尚马场,搬回位于市区的杜乐丽花园,在这个巴黎市区最大的公园内搭起巨大裸色秀场,并在秀场门口装饰上以70年代义大利女性主义先锋Carla Lonzi的名言「I Say I」(原文:lo dico io)字样。
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Marc Bohan时代的Dior不只聚焦在符合女性日常需求的成衣设计,还首次推出了Ski滑雪系列,于是Maria Grazia Chiuri也将这段历史融入2020秋冬系列,打造出羽绒外套、连身裤等方便户外活动的单品。晚装上则用跃动的多彩流苏,型塑自由奔放的摩登女子样貌。
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COPYRIGHT: Getty Images
呼应系列的70年代风格,Maria Grazia Chiuri将全新天鹅绒面料注入品牌的经典Lady Dior、Saddle Bag以及Book Tote等包款设计中,加上信封式与口金设计的变化包型,型塑从头到脚的全面复古风格。
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Dior 2020秋冬系列配件细节。
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Dior 2020秋冬系列配件细节。
COPYRIGHT: Getty Images
Dior 2020秋冬系列配件细节。
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PHOTO CREDIT: Pascal Le Segretain
演员Demi Moore。
COPYRIGHT: Getty Images
PHOTO CREDIT: Stephane Cardinale - Corbis
演员Nina Dobrev。
COPYRIGHT: Getty Images
PHOTO CREDIT: Hanna Lassen
日本模特儿秋元梢Akimoto Kozue。
View this post on InstagramGet a sneak peek at the #DiorAW20 show space before the fashion world descends to discover the latest designs from @MariaGraziaChiuri. Guests will be greeted by the ambiguous phrase “I Say I” - a work by collective feminist artist Claire Fontaine (@ReadyMadeArtist), named after a French brand of school notebooks, who uses the public placement of illuminated text-based signs to underscore contradictions in society. The line references the introduction to the manifesto of art critic turned feminist activist Carla Lonzi, which also lends its name to “Io Dico Io - I Say I”, a Dior-supported exhibition on Italian women artists at the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rome, from March 23 to June 21, 2020. © @AdrienDirand Courtesy of Claire Fontaine, Air de Paris, Galerie Neu and T293
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